An unofficial, hacked-together cost-estimator for Amazon Glacier.
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Amazon has't yet provided us with a cost calculator for their new archival storage service, Glacier, and figuring out how their pricing model translates to real-world use isn't exactly straightforward.
Sometimes the best way to understand something complicated is to interact with it.
This tool helps elucidate the relationship between cost, data retention periods, and recovery scenarios. (See disclaimer below.)
US East (N. Virginia)
US West (Oregon)
US West (N. California)
EU (Ireland)
Asia (Tokyo)
{{ monthlyAllowance }}
{{ dailyAllowance }}
Target request rate to stay within allowance:
{{ rateAllowance }}
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{{ storageCost | currency }}
{{ retrievalCost | currency }}
{{ deletionCost | currency }}
{{ transferCost | currency }}
{{ totalCost | currency }}
Disclaimer: This tool was built on quite a few assumptions and estimations. I can't attest to its accuracy. It's neither endorsed nor affiliated with Amazon AWS. The rates are referenced from the Glacier pricing page and Glacier FAQ.